How To Maintain Websites
Maintenance is a time intensive service for which service levels and costs are determined on an individual basis.
Hosting and Design UK provide fixed fee maintenance to our Hosting And Design clients.
Maintenance updates can also be provided on a one off or ‘ad-hoc’ basis.
Hosting and Design small business clients have the option of a Business Plus hosting tariff which includes four maintenance updates per year.
Carrying out maintenance without a plan, history and objective is inefficient and costly.
Have a checklist to reference against – e.g Security Checks
Have a current priority in addition to an ongoing overall priority i.e Site Speed, SEO Rank, Brute Force Hacking Attacks
Do not rely on software solutions alone. Having multiple plugins, scripts from differing vendors can be counter productive and actually render them ineffective. In a similar manner users who use 2 or three antivirus products concurrently can render their overall protection useless and at the same time pay a heavy price in lost performance. Look at the facts: what has happened, what has already been done, what to monitor, what is outstanding and what was learned from the previous incidents or interventions. Document.
HDUK have a background in preventative maintenance – planned and on demand for hardware, software and ‘systems’. Contact us to discuss your needs or concerns informally.