Digital Marketing & Technology Support.

H D Fraser & Associates Technical Consultants

Domain Names Management

cheap domain names and domain name management

Manage Domain Names With Domain Name Manager Whether you have a website or not you can purchase and manage your domain name of choice with our fully featured Domain Name Manager – FOR FREE! This powerful tool is a component of our custom control panel and allows you to control all the various elements of […]

Why You Need A Website Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Policy Generator Auto Update

Website Privacy Policies In country, region or state privacy laws exist that require certain websites to have a Privacy Policy. It is a legal requirement that you should take into serious consideration as there are implications for your business and your website. What Is A Privacy Policy? A Privacy Policy is a statement provided on […]

Website Recovery

Website Recovery Service

WEBSITE RECOVERY SERVICE HAVE YOU ‘LOST’ YOUR WEBSITE ? WEB DESIGNER UNAVAILABLE ? HOSTING COMPANY UNHELPFUL ? DO NOT PANIC ! We have helped many regain control and recover website content. * Hosting Account Expired * Domain Name Expired * Web Designer Unavailable * Hosting Company Dispute * Website Crashed We will establish the viability […]

Website Hosting And Domain Names

Cheap Website Hosting And Domain Names Concierge

Web Hosting Concierge Far too often we encounter situations where website owners are being exploited and effectively held to ransom by Web Designers, Hosting Resellers and others who fall into grey in between gaps. Our Hosting and Website Concierge service is a rescue service for business owners in distress and a safe passage for new […]

Getting Started With Web Hosting

Get Started With Web Hosting

Getting Started With Web Hosting 1. Visit https://hostfraser.com/order/   –  select hosting Plans. Enter a Username then the hosting plan of choice – note: all hosting plans come with a free 30 day trial period. (You can opt out of trial after the signup process to enable a fully operational control panel by using the ‘Complete […]

Landing Pages Design

Landing Page Design   Single Page Websites from £120 A single page website – or landing page is at times all that you need to: Advertise your product, service or business Focus your SEO spend and research time Cater for mobile users Get to the point and get contacted easily A well designed landing page […]

Web Design

WEB DESIGN Qualified, Experienced & Capable ” We have been designing websites since 2000 starting with HTML and Dreamweaver. Today we match client requirement to the most appropriate platform e.g. Joomla, WordPress …  We have been working with code even longer starting with Assembly Language through to C, Java, PHP, Javascript … We have built […]

HostFraser Website Hosting

WEBSITE HOSTING Concierge and self-service hosting for websites Many SMEs entrust hosting to their web designers, who in most cases host their clients websites with a provider from whom they receive a small commission – ‘small’ being the operative word as it doesn’t take long to realise that reselling hosting isn’t the best, hassle free, […]

ESET Antivirus for Multiple Devices

Antivirus for all your devices – one license ESET Multi-Device Security: A Single License to Cover All Your Devices Regardless of the device you’re using –  PC, Mac (Apple), Linux or Android smartphone or tablet, you can now protect them all with ESET‘s highest level of Internet Security. Parental Control for Android is included with […]

Website Backup And Recovery

Website backup and recovery should be seamless. Backup is enabled by default for your website with our Remote Backup solutions – to your own Google Drive or Dropbox ! All that’s required is to connect your hosting account with your storage account. Our smart systems will do the rest – backing up sites and MySQL […]