Digital Marketing & Technology Support.

H D Fraser & Associates Technical Consultants
Cheap Website Hosting And Domain Names Concierge

Website Hosting And Domain Names

Web Hosting Concierge

Far too often we encounter situations where website owners are being exploited and effectively held to ransom by Web Designers, Hosting Resellers and others who fall into grey in between gaps.

Our Hosting and Website Concierge service is a rescue service for business owners in distress and a safe passage for new starters in website ownership.

We manage sizeable domain portfolios for clients in addition to the self service Domain Manager facility. For hosting requirements we provision fully dedicated servers, semi-dedicated servers, VPS and shared ‘cloud’ hosting.  

hdfraser & Associates take pride in delivering: 

  • a simplified yet fully featured control panel – when compared with industry norms like cPanel for to facilitate self-service.
  • a 24×7 help desk with local call numbers in the UK, USA and Australia
  • a trustworthy concierge service, we wont store payment details, renew plans before your notice period or deny you access to your domain name.
  • transparency
  • understandable and friendly conversational communication.
  • a proven track record supporting businesses of all sizes. 
  • Aftercare and maintenance for your peace of mind

For all inquiries please email

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