Digital Marketing & Technology Support.

H D Fraser & Associates Technical Consultants

Exclusive Deals on Generic Top-Level Domains

Generic Top-Level Domains gTLDs

Unlock Your Online Identity with Exclusive Deals on Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) – Limited Time Offer! Are you ready to make your mark on the digital landscape? Is your business looking to establish a distinctive online presence? Look no further, because we have some exciting news for you! For a limited time, we’re thrilled to […]

What Is A Media Pack?

What Is A Media Pack

A media pack, also known as a press kit, is a collection of promotional materials and information about a company, product, or service that is designed to be shared with journalists, bloggers, and other members of the media. The media pack typically includes key information and resources that can be used to create news stories, […]

Why Do I Need A Style Guide?

Why Need A Style Guide

STYLE GUIDES WHAT IS A STYLE GUIDE? A style guide is a set of guidelines and rules that define how written or visual content should be presented. It serves as a reference for writers, editors, and designers to ensure consistency in language, formatting, and branding. WHY DO I NEED A STYLE GUIDE? A style guide […]

Website Recovery

Website Recovery Service

WEBSITE RECOVERY SERVICE HAVE YOU ‘LOST’ YOUR WEBSITE ? WEB DESIGNER UNAVAILABLE ? HOSTING COMPANY UNHELPFUL ? DO NOT PANIC ! We have helped many regain control and recover website content. * Hosting Account Expired * Domain Name Expired * Web Designer Unavailable * Hosting Company Dispute * Website Crashed We will establish the viability […]

Website Hosting And Domain Names

Cheap Website Hosting And Domain Names Concierge

Web Hosting Concierge Far too often we encounter situations where website owners are being exploited and effectively held to ransom by Web Designers, Hosting Resellers and others who fall into grey in between gaps. Our Hosting and Website Concierge service is a rescue service for business owners in distress and a safe passage for new […]

Hosted Digital Business Card

ShareMyCard Digital Business Card

Share My Card Hosted Digital Business Card And Media Service ‘Share My  Card™’  is a multifaceted approach to facilitating business networking both offline and online using the humble business card. In it’s simplest form Share My Card™ is a hosted business card service- from an uber cheap subscription entry point a business of any size […]

Getting Started With Web Hosting

Get Started With Web Hosting

Getting Started With Web Hosting 1. Visit https://hostfraser.com/order/   –  select hosting Plans. Enter a Username then the hosting plan of choice – note: all hosting plans come with a free 30 day trial period. (You can opt out of trial after the signup process to enable a fully operational control panel by using the ‘Complete […]

Create A WordPress Website – With Hosting Under £50/yr

Start Building Your Own Website At Minimum Cost

Your Own WordPress Website for Under £50/yr ? How cheaply can you setup your own WordPress website – with domain name, hosting and SSL ? We’ll show you how – for £47.50. read on. The main initial  costs associated with getting your blog or website going are time, hosting and domain name, and the essentials […]

Point Of Sale Systems For Website and On Premise

WooCommerce Point Of Sale Systems Point of sale systems (POS) are one of the most important tools for any business directly engaging with their customers – it’s where payment takes place for the goods or services you supply.  A cost and financial management reporting challenge for small businesses who trade online is how to have […]